Useful links
National Association for Breastfeeding
Consultants provide help and support to breastfeeding mothers throughout the country. On their website, you can find articles and stories about breastfeeding, as well as a list of consultants by towns.
National telephone: 0896 418 488
La Leche League Bulgaria
Information and support for breastfeeding from mothers to mothers. La Leche League is a voluntary organisation with branches all over the world, whose mission is to help, encourage and support all mothers who want to breastfeed their babies.
National telephone: 0888 555 385
Association "Pogledni me" (Look at Me)
Parents’ organisation helping parents with any kind of information about children with disabilities.
Telephone: 0878 999 013
Poppies for Mary Foundation
Poppies for Mary is a foundation for support for parents who have experienced intrauterine or perinatal death of a child. This means that their baby died in the womb (and was born dead) or died in the first hours, days or weeks after birth.
Contact: Dr. Boyana Petkova, 0887 846 667